Despite the world being a melting pot, many companies approach their marketing strategy in a way that appeals only to the “general” mainstream resulting in a huge segment of the population that brands aren’t reaching with their messaging.  Since marketing strategies have often taken the approach of generalizing their consumer – they are now failing to reach a significant portion of the marketing place. We know this way of marketing is doomed to fail. We advocate an inclusive and authentic strategy, one that believes multicultural is the new mainstream. 

It makes sense from a budget perspective that you’d want to cast a wide net, however you might be shooting yourself in the foot in the long run. Despite the fact that generalized marketing is intended to be inclusive, it can often exclude key markets and reduce opportunities. 

The Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing, which was established by the Association of National Advertisers in 2019, found that culturally relevant marketing has a significant impact on brand affinity and intent. According to the study, ads with high cultural relevance increased brand lift by 50% and purchase intent by 267%.

Branding Aloha takes the approach that we should be marketing always with a multicultural lens. Above segment marketing, any general marketing should celebrate the beauty, rituals, and customs of their ethnic consumers. We also recognize that the “minority” segments are the largest and fastest growing consumer segments, it makes human sense – but also business sense.  


As a business owner or brand manager, you should take the time to be empathetic (to truly understand) in order to become aware of what it is like for your consumers. This isn’t about being innovative, it is about speaking directly and connecting a marketing strategy that is about creating unforgettable and positive experiences for consumers building brand love. 

Branding Aloha - Multicultural Marketing

Today’s consumer is not stupid, they are tech savvy and want to connect. If you are simply throwing in a person of color into your ad that doesn’t speak to culture or have relevance it will go unheard and eventual damage your brand. Ensure you are being respectful – this means taking the time to be in culture. Design your campaigns with insights developed by cultural insiders, speak truth and connect in meaningful ways. 

Gone are the days of bland, one-size-fits-all advertising. Today’s brands use creative tactics to engage with consumers on a much deeper, emotional level. Successful marketing campaigns must connect with emotions and create memories that last a lifetime.

Be aware that your campaign will be judged by the way you execute it, not by your intentions. A generalized approach can result in cultural appropriation, stereotypes, or abuse, particularly in an environment that is less diverse. So you may want to consider how diverse your organization is before planning a multicultural marketing campaign. 

It is always a good idea to tailor your message to specific regions if possible. Considering hiring a consultant who knows the culture well or partner with an organization that is familiar with cultural nuances such as Branding Aloha.


In addition to hiring a multicultural marketing team, you can partner with relevant influencers. Influencers can advise your marketing efforts, lead them, or a combination of both. Studies show that influencers who have an engaged following value the recommendations made by those influencers and are more likely to buy or purchase your service or product. 


Using specific language and symbols in your marketing efforts can go a long way in adding SEO value and local credibility. When you make an effort to incorporate the images, words, and stories of your target market into your marketing campaign, you will be able to drive results through Google and other search engines, especially in the search for services.

Branding Aloha - Multicultural Marketing


Ensure you land your next marketing campaign by making it speak to many – this means embracing multicultural. In particular, we know here in Hawaii that our local market is unique and diverse. We couldn’t succeed in marketing to the local market with a mainland campaign and vice versa. Your campaigns must have elements that are identifiable to each segment. Understanding your goals is key in developing an honest and fruitful campaign. Branding Aloha is homegrown (Oahu based) but has years of mainland experience that we bring back to the islands. We are able to traverse both arenas and enjoy the challenge in developing marketing campaigns curated for each brand.

Published On: April 7th, 2023 / Categories: Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Multicultural, Social Media /